Progress & News
Latest News from your Community Land Trust
Your Village Needs You – Support the Survey!
Back in 2013 the Parish Council and East Dorset District Council conducted a Survey of Housing Needs to establish whether local people needed more 'affordable/council' 'houses to be available over the next two (2) to four (4) years and to support the Village Plan. This survey established a need which, in turn, led to the formation of the SHCLT and its first project to build some affordable homes for people within the community of Sixpenny Handley, or those with a village connection to Sixpenny Handley.
You should, hopefully, know by now that this has been progressing with the establishment of a Board of Directors (volunteers) and Shareholders (community residents). The Board was formally established during a community meeting in November 2015. Since then, working with the District Council to secure some land, SHCLT have established a project plan that will enable 'Affordable Housing' to be built on an specific plot of land within the village – Common Road. Land surveys have been conducted and in January this year the Board appointed an architect to start the design and planning for the actual houses. All of this has been as a result of the Board having secured grant funding for this work to take place as well as taking input from the community through the Downsman, open meetings in the Village Hall and a Facebook/Twitter page.
Now ... to make these new homes a reality a number of things need to be in place...
- We need to confirm there is a local need - how many people need local 'affordable' housing?
- Validate the type of accommodation that should be available– Shared ownership and/or Rented accommodation?
- What type of houses should be built – 1, 2, 3 bedrooms, bungalows, flats, or houses?
- How many of each type of home are potentially needed?
- You meet the local needs criteria (i.e. you have a village connection (Band 5);
- You have, or will, register with East Dorset Council on the Housing List; and
- You want to be considered for this scheme ...
PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SURVEY ... and REMEMBER: This project is for the benefit of the community to ensure local people can live near their family and/or their place of work. It needs to be for the parish and its residents so please complete the survey ESPECIALLY if you want to be considered for this accommodation when built.It is important to submit your form in the requested timescales. Mid-April the analysis of responses will start, the SHCLT Directors will only see the numbers, no personal information will be available to them. Following this analysis, the SHCLT Board will hold a steering group at which a decision will be made on whether the village need these houses. If so, the type, how many, and occupation basis (rented or shared ownership) needs to be addressed. This ensures that the right number of houses are built and available for local people rather than extending the amount of accommodation open to anyone registered with the District Housing Association.
Special General Meeting - Monday 23rd November 2015 at 7.00pm
Sixpenny Handley Village Hall
- Collection of Membership Forms and Issue of Share Certificates
- Overview and Purpose of Meeting
- Brief Update, including latest on purchase of land at Common Road
- Directors to Stand-Down
- Vote for Re-election
- Question and Answer Session
Community Meeting held on 28th January
Sixpenny Handley CLT Presentation 28 Jan 2015
The SHCLT Board and Steering Group held a meeting in the Village Hall on 28th January 2015 to give an overview of the SHCLT Affordable House Build project so far, including detailing the land that has been identified for purchase, and how, in principle the scheme works.
The turn-out for the meeting was good, with nearly one hundred attendees. Following a presentation, given by the SHCLT Board and Steering Group members, we held a Q&A session which included some lively debate and clarification of several points. We then had a show of hands to ascertain support for the project to continue. As you can see from the photo below, there was nearly unanimous support to go ahead.
March 2015 Press Release
Formation of the CLT
After meetings and review it was decided the best vehicle for the Sixpenny Handley CLT would be a 'Community Benefit Society'. This is the body that will run the CLT and hold assets for projects.
November 2014 Press Release
Community Land Trust ('CLT')
Following the public meetings and discussions held in the Village Hall on 10th April (Annual Parish Meeting of Electors) and 7 th May (Sixpenny Handley and a Community Land Trust) regarding the initiation of a CLT we would like to bring you up-to-date with recent developments.
July 2014 Press Release