Affordable Homes Project

Working together for the future of the village

Eligibility for a Sixpenny Handley CLT Affordable RENTED Home

Christchurch Borough Council and East Dorset District Council have agreed a common approach for the allocation of social housing across the two local authority areas. The aim of this policy is to help meet the housing needs of households within Christchurch and East Dorset in the most effective way.

Both Council's will assess applications based on local priorities which are shown in the table below. In addition, applications are based on local and/or village connections.

Local Connection

Applicants will have a local connection with the Council it is applying to by meeting one of the following criteria:
a. Residency Qualification Resident in the Council area for at least 2 years continuous at the time of application.
b. Employment An applicant may be a qualifying person if he/she or his/her partner is in employment in the borough/district.

Village Connection

  • Being permanently resident therein for at least four years immediately prior to such occupation
  • Having currently resident close relatives (i.e. parents, children, brother or sister) who have lived therein for at least four years
  • Having permanent employment and having been employed therein for at least 12 months prior to such occupation
  • Other special circumstances which create a link to the given parish (not including resident in a hospital, armed forces accommodation, holiday let, or prison) such special circumstances having first been verified and approved by the borough/district Council.

Note: For the purposes of Sixpenny Handley CLT a band 5 'Village Connection' applicant will usually take priority over a band 1 applicant with no village connection.

Christchurch and East Dorset Council Banding Priorities

Download Christchurch and East Dorset Council Banding Priorities

Band 1Band 2Band 3Band 4Band 5
Emergency cases –health/wellbeingExisting social housing tenants under-occupying their current homesStatutory Homeless DutyLow medical or welfare groundsIntermediate home ownership
Emergency cases- welfareTenancy succession – under occupationPlaced into temporary accommodationPrison applicantsDesignated keyworkers
DiscretionaryOvercrowding – Cat 1 and statutorily overcrowded assessmentsInsecure accommodationShared facilitiesVillage connection applicants
Serious housing conditionsOvercrowding – lack of one or more bedroomsHard to let applicants – normally sheltered bedsit accommodation.
High medical or welfare groundsService Personnel
Supported housing ready to move onLack of essential housing facilities
Management transfers including decantsMedium medical or welfare grounds
Efficient management of temporary accommodationHousehold separation
Cumulative needs ( 4 or more band 3 reasons)


  1. Dorset home choice cbl scheme user guide
  2. Christchurch Borough Council and East Dorset District Council joint allocation policy. December 2013 amended September 2014.

Help with Registering on the Housing List

SHCLT will be arranging for EDDC and Synergy to hold a session at the Parish Council Office (date and time yet to be agreed – but what this space) to assist anyone interested in the CLT Affordable Homes and/or local people requiring help in registering on the Housing List, filling in forms, eligibility requirements etc.

Please let us know if you are interested in attending by emailing


Please note: It is the Applicants' responsibility to ensure they are eligible to claim Housing Benefit if they need it to enable affordability of either Social or Affordable Housing.

Basic principle of affordability is rent is no more than 35% of gross income.

It is likely that someone moving from existing affordable housing in the village to one of the new homes will find that the rents are higher. This is because of a change (in 2010) in the way rents are set. However, it is likely, but not guaranteed, that this increase in rent would be met by Housing Benefit (if they are entitled to Housing Benefit).

Indicative Rental Costs

There is an upper limit to the weekly rents that can be set – known as the Local Housing Allowance. This is also the maximum that can be paid by Housing Benefit. Anyone earning more than five times this rate is prohibited form registering from the homes.

The relevant figures are currently as follows:

The Local Housing Allowance
that applies to Sixpenny Handley
The maximum gross income
i.e. 52 x rent/LHA x 5)
One Bedroom Rate:
£115.07 per week
Two Bedrooms Rate:
£143.84 per week
Three Bedrooms Rate:
£172.60 per week

Eligibility for a Sixpenny Handley CLT SHARED-OWNERSHIP Home

The scheme will be administered via South West Homes where applicants are assessed individually. Applicants needs to register with Dorset Home Choice, they will then be referred to South West Homes for assessment.

Basic rules are applicants must be earning less than £60k joint income per annum and have a Local Connection.

Shared Ownership Comparison Costs for Sixpenny Handley (Indicative – actual costs will be produced as the scheme progresses)

Download the information

Property Size (m2) House Value £ Equity share % Equity £ Mortgage per month [Note1] £ Rent per month [Note2] £ Combi -ned costs £ Required income - assuming costs are < 30% of income £ Required income - assuming costs are <35% of income £
2bed 4person house 80 £202,363 30% 60,709 374 325.00 699 27,960 23,966
40% 80,945 512 278.00 790 31,600 27,086
50% 101,182 650 232.00 882 35,280 30,240
3bed 5person house 90 £227,658 30% 68,298 426 365.00 791 31,640 27,120
40% 91,063 581 313.00 894 35,760 30,651
50% 113,829 737 261.00 998 39,920 34,217
Sales values in £/m2 from Zoopla £2,530
Note 1: The assumed deposit is 5% and interest rate is 6.5%
Note2: The rent on SO homes is assumed to be set at 2.75% of the unsold equity (pa)

Contact Us

If you have any queries or questions please do contact us.